CNC Waterjet Machine
CNC MachinesWe are one of the most renowned manufacturers and producers of computer numerical control water jets in the industry from the past few years and provide our clients with a wide range of quality products at affordable prices. CNC water jets are used in different industry areas to cut various materials using high pressure of water. The machine is completely automatic and can cut through any material.
Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Machine, High Pressure Water Jet Cutting Machine, Water Jet Cutting Machine, KMT Water Jet Cutting, CNC Marble Cutting Machine.
Pure Water
Take trp water, pressurize it to 60,000 psi (4,000 bar) / 90,000 psi (6200 bar) then force it through a very small hole, or orifice. This creates a tremendous amount of energy concentrated in a thin beam of water, traveling at close to the speed of sound. The result is an extremely powerful and a precise 'Pure Water ' Cutting tool
Abrasive Cutting
An 'Abrasive' water system employs the same methods as 'Pure Water' however the addition of an abrasive garnet mixed into the stream increases the cutting forces significantly. When the high-velocity water exits the orifice it create vacuum within the mixing chamber. The vacuum pulls abrasive from the abrasive line into the chamber where it is mixed with the water jet stream. The resulting mixture is then realigned in a focusing tube before exiting the cutting head nozzle. At the point the accelerated abrasive particles are now traveling at speed fast enough to cut through the hardest of materials, all this is achieved by a water jet that is little more than 0.8mm in diameter.
What can we cut ?
With over 8 year of experience we have successfully profile cut a vast range of materials from low density foams to wear resistant steel.
Metals- Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Lead Mild Steel, Nickle Alloys, Stainless Steel, Titanium.
Non Metals - Carbon Fiber, Ceramics, Glass, Granite, Laminated, Plastic, PTFE, Teflon, Wood.
Soft Materials - Cork, Foams, Foam, Rubbers. Graphite, Neoprene Rubber, synthetic material.
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